What is Jack Herer?

Jack Herer is a strain named after a lifelong cannabis activist whose 1985 book The Emperor Wears No Clothes continues to be an influential resource in the fight for cannabis decriminalization and legalization. A sativa-dominant hybrid developed by Sensi Seeds in the 1980s or 90s, it is a tasty and perennially popular strain. Jack Herer has passed its genetics and part of its name on to crossbred strains like Jack the Ripper, Jack’s Cleaner, and Jack Skellington.

Medical Treatments

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Although not high in CBD, Jack Herer can also be beneficial for chronic aches and pains. It is not recommended for those suffering from insomnia, as the stimulation of thought and mood can actually keep users awake. More of a daytime treat than an evening medication.

Where to Buy Jack Herer