DiVinci Vape Ascent Vaporizer

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Crafted with the vapor purist in mind, the Ascent vaporizer boasts both style and functionality. With a 100% all-glass pathway and glass coated ceramic bowl, the vape connoisseur in you will surely be pleased.

Includes Wall Charger, Glass Stems, Glass Oil Jars, Metal Pick, Carrying Satchel

  • All Glass Vapor Path
  • Superior 3Hr Battery Life
  • Precision Temperature Control
  • Vaporize Loose Leaf and Oil
  • Device Dimensions: 2.24″ W x 4.47″ H x 1.03″ D
  • Device Weight: 6.8 oz
  • Heat-up Time (to 230° F): 23 Sec
  • Battery: 2 Rechargable 18650 Batteries
  • Charging Time: 3.5 Hours
  • Warranty: 2 Year


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